Friday, March 20, 2015

Pretty as a Peacock

Pretty as a Peacock Wreath

Anyone who watched me closely as a child (and even into young adulthood. Who am I kidding, sometimes even nowadays) will know that I often chose to like things based on the level of uniqueness I would acquire by saying I liked it. I really wanted to be the person to discover something. I wanted to belong to an exclusive one-woman fan club of obscure, peculiar, interesting things.

In other words, I was a hipster. Not in a strictly stereotypical sense (though I did have wide rimmed glasses and some potentially "ironic" fashion choices), but none the less - the fewer people who liked a thing, the better!

If you asked me what was my favorite color, I was certainly not saying blue. Too pedestrian.
What did I want to be when I grew up? An audiologist (but certainly not just a "doctor")
If I was an animal what would I be?
A peacock.

So I really had a thing for peacocks. They're so unique! So different!

I remember the first time I saw a peacock in the flesh. It was during a roadtrip weekend in Montreal with my roommates from university, at the Biodome, and I was absurdly in awe. Needless to say, there is still a small hipster living somewhere inside me, and she really wanted to make this wreath!

About this handmade wreath:

Base: foam

Materials: satin ribbon with decorative silver edge, fluffy blue yarn, feather clip, decorative embellishments, silver plated peacock ornament

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Friday, March 13, 2015

All that Glitters - Crow's Nest

All that Glitters - Crow's Nest

In many aspects of life - at work, at the craft table, while shopping - I can describe myself pretty perfectly as a crow. Something shiny or otherwise interesting catches my eye and distracts and/or attracts me. Some of the pieces for this wreath ended up in my craft basket and I made this joke - ohhh a shiny bauble, must pick that up! It made me smile, I have a fondness for crows.

My Nanny was a lady with a large spirit, and was very generous with her love. When we talk about her, my family often remembers one specific example of this generosity above the others: at her cottage, she would often feed the crows old bread. She didn't see why people would fuss, they were living creatures and deserving of kindness!

I could sit all day at the keyboard reminiscing about my Nanny. I'm named after her and was inspired by her in many aspects of life. For today, though, I will only share with you the story about the crows and her generosity. The tale of her and the crows inspired me to create this "Crow's Nest" wreath with these beautiful upcycled glass birds who have collected all of these shiny baubles in their dark little nest!

About this Handmade Wreath:

Base: foam
Materials: yarn, feathers, upcycled glass bird ornaments, black paint, gold plated deocrative embellishments, fabric from a jacket lining (used to make decorative flower)

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Friday, March 6, 2015

Spring Bling

Spring Bling Wreath

This wreath brings to mind all things girly and lovely. I'm a well rounded girl, but I have a soft spot for pink and things that are sparkly. From this most delightful part of my brain comes this ode to its namesake season!

I was first inspired to create this wreath when I hosted a Stella & Dot party. I was looking forward to spring, much like I am now, and pulling beautiful floral dresses from the back of my closet. They begged for matching baubles, and so did this wreath! It was originally designed to decorate my door, and was refreshed more recently to be shared with someone else who shares my love of pink and pretty!

People often wonder why I fell in love with Stella & Dot, but I tend to love all things related to female entrepreneurship and empowerment. I grew up with a grandmother who was a firecracker of a businesswoman, and have since been surrounded by lady entrepreneurs through all walks of life. One of my first real jobs was for the Centre for Women in Business, where I learned so much! While I wrote the Fashionista's Guide to Halifax blog I connected with many Halifax designers who were just fabulous, and when I took my first sewing class at NSCAD I became friends with the lovely Laura who now runs Cinderella Sew.

I love ladies who are risking it to own their future and do something they love (the boys too, of course, but I have a soft spot - like pink - for the ladies.  That has played a huge role in why I wanted to test the waters and try selling a few of these things that make me smile!

And the thought of Spring is making me smile right now!

Happy Friday!

About this Handmade Wreath:

Base: straw wreath
Materials: fake fabric flowers, various jewels, gems and other embellishments

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Friday, February 27, 2015

Owl Always Love You

Owl Always Love You Wreath Set

Many of us have a special someone in life who has been watching over us from the time we were small. People who guide us, make us feel safe, and show us how to make the right decisions. Sometimes they don't even realize they're doing it. I'm sure my aunt Robin doesn't know how much it taught me when she stuck by my Dad through hard times. And I'm sure my Mom's family wouldn't realize how much all of those family dinners made me feel safe and became a building block of who I am today and how I treat those I love.

I have so many examples of how the people around me as a child taught me how to be.

For some lucky people, they get to grow as an example of the old proverb "it takes a village to raise a child". If I were truly representing my own childhood with this set of owl wreaths, I would need a circle of Big Owls and a whole wall to hold them. I was a very very lucky child, surrounded by parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who all played an active role in making sure I was happy and healthy and learning the right things about the world.

Many home cooked meals, conversations, special moments and happy memories come to mind when I think back over my younger years. I am who I am because of every person who took the time to help me grow. I was inspired by them when making this set of owl wreaths. For the person who ends up with these wreaths, the Big Owl could be a mother, father, aunt, grandmother or some other wonderful bird in the Little Owl's life. But for me, it represents all of those people.

About this Handmade Wreath:

Base: twig form
Materials: decorative paper flowers, burlap style decorative paper, scrapbook style decorative paper, scrabble tiles

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Friday, February 20, 2015

Good Friends are Like Wine - They Get Better with Age!

Good Friends are Like Wine - They Get Better with Age! Wreath

In Fall 2013 I fell in love with a wonderful man who had a hobby that I didn't, until that point, even realize was desirable in a life partner! He makes his own wine (and cider, and beer). I have enjoyed many a great bottle of homemade beverage since we met and as we've introduced and hosted our combined groups of friends, I like to think some of that delicious wine has helped our worlds come together! For the holidays, I even brewed and bottled spiced cider for friends and family and was quite excited to create something for them to enjoy.

This wreath is inspired by those wines and those friends.

About this Handmade Wreath:
Base: foam
Materials: burlap-style ribbon, decorative paper, small chalkboard decals, faux grape floral pieces, upcycled cork

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Do You Want to Build a Snowman Wreath

While I was looking for pieces to put together for this wreath, I was reminded of days in childhood when my sister and I would rummage through the cupboards of hats and scarves to find just the right apparel for our snow masterpiece. I even gave the carrot a little bend at the end because it reminded me of our Mom choosing the ugliest carrot to send outside with us!

I was a lucky human who gets to grow up with a sibling that they largely, with few exceptions, get along with. Snowmen were not our only creations. From the time we were wee little girls, we had creative pursuits. In the summer we would paint rocks found on the beach. In spring we would combine objects found around the yard to cook up a "witches brew".

As we got a bit older, my sister became interested in drawing floorplans for our future houses. I enjoyed choosing the layout of the furniture, as well as drawing fashion designs. Neither of us has lost our creative spark even as adults - my sister has become an architect, how funny that she used to draw those blueprints! I have channeled most of my creativity into volunteer pursuits - event planning, art day with patients at the hospital - and now into this crafting venture!

About this Handmade Wreath:

Base: upcycled packaging foam, cut to shape
Materials: burlap cut to strips (leftover from another project), burlap style decorative paper, scrapbook style decorative paper, faux pearls, ribbon and washi tape

Interested in owning this for your very own? Check it out HERE

Monday, February 16, 2015

Welcome to The Frilly Foxy!

   For years I have been crafting wreaths from upcycled and new items for my own home, and now I've decided to give my creativity a chance to grow and start creating wreaths to sell online. This is an entirely new experience for me, though I've been lucky to be surrounded by creative entrepreneurs throughout my life. I draw inspiration from them as I embark on this (slightly terrifying) journey! 

   On this blog I will post different wreaths I have created with the story of inspiration behind them, as well as a tutorial from time to time. I hope you'll enjoy reading about my adventures in crafting, and perhaps fall in love with one of my creations and need it for your very own!

   In the meantime, enjoy this photo of my very pink craft table, where all the magic happens!